Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Have you gotten enough? Well, we'll heed MJ's advice.

And in the end, this was how Ben and Brian discovered what it meant to be alive and young in great America.

The End.

"hold my head/we'll trampoline/finally through the roof/on to somewhere near/and far in time/velouria/her covering/travelling career/she can really move/oh velveteen!”

-The Pixies

A possible example of how I might have concluded this blog, had it concluded on time, when our trip ended yesterday.

Only too bad we’re half a month behind! Yeah! Eat it! Suck on my big fat voided rail pass! Bennie C. won’t finish no blog for chumps—BENNIE C. WON’T FINISH NO BLOG FOR NO ONE!

Crass. Absurd.

I won’t stop now, because the long deceased voice of Great American Train Tour Ben echoes posthumously, from the purgatory we call: “Once upon a time, a Great American Train Tour sounded better than a contract renewal with Virginia’s oldest theatre.”

Unemployed? Certainly. But wiser for it.

And that’s how I find time to give you, the gentle reader, stories to read in bed with the covers pulled up and the lights turned down.

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